Open Data Training
Primers, Guides & Resources

Primers for Open Data
1. Why Open Data - Why open data is valuable and important.
2. How To Open Your Data - How to make your data open and available for others to use.
3. Sharing Your Data - How to publish your data and make it accessible to others.
4. Becoming a Data Hunter - How and where to find data shared by others.
5. Making friends with Other People’s Data - What you need to do to be able to reuse other people's data.
Instructor Guides
Guide 1: An Introduction to Open Data - Why open data is valuable and important.
Guide 2: Data Preservation & Archiving - The basics of getting your data ready for preservation and archiving
Guide 3: Sharing and Publishing Data - Making data available, and citable by others.
Guide 4: Data Privacy and Ethics - Navigating legal and ethical issues around public data and data reuse.
Open Data Advocacy
These one-pagers are quick reference guides with information on how to advocate for open science at your institution.
One guide is geared toward academic administrators. The other is geared toward students and early career researchers.
One-pager For Academic Admin And Policy Folks (PDF)
One-pager For Student And Early Career Researcher Engagement (PDF)
Getting Help" to "Here are some questions we've received about this resource, along with our answers. If you have a question that isn't answered here, please email us at or reach out to us on our Twitter feed @MozillaScience.
Q: Who wrote these materials?
Q: Why did Mozilla create these? What is Mozilla Science?
Q: Can I remix / reuse these materials in my classes?
Q: What is the difference between the primers and the instructor guides?
Q: How do I give feedback on this resource? Can I contribute?
Q: Are there other people and/or organizations to whom I can reach out to learn more about open data?
See Resource List
Here we'll list some persistent resources that you might use throughout the workshop.