When you're ready to list a new event for your Study Group, follow these steps, or watch this video where we walk you through event listing.
Make a new file by clicking on the + sign beside _posts/ Name it like the following:
YYYY-MM-DD-word.markdown, where YYYY-MM-DD is the date of your event, and word is anything you want.
title: Study Group Meetup
text: a one sentence description of your event
location: Hacky Hour Stadium
link: https://github.com/yourUserName/studyGroup/issues/1234
date: 2016-01-04
startTime: '15:00'
endTime: '16:00'
Change all the fields to describe your event; make sure the link is the address of the issue you created When you're done, click 'Commit Changes' at the bottom.
That's it! Your event is now listed on your webpage, and there's a discussion thread where people can ask questions and discuss the details. Events will be automatically removed from the schedule on the webpage when they're more than a week in the past - but the issue you created will always be there as a record of what you've done.
Event Listing Gotchas! Here are a few things to look out for when listing an event: